
Tuesday, April 11, 2017


I began wanting to make a low carb corn bread to have with my homemade chicken soup tonight.  I've gotten the first cold of the cold and flu season this week, hoping against hope that somehow this year I would make it through scott free. Almost, but not quite.  So I made my chicken soup for it tonight.  Chicken soup was what my mother gave me when I was sick. Being sick always seems to bring us back to childhood. And going back to childhood in my food memories also brought memories of "Johnny Cake" or cornbread.  But I ended up with something quite different actually, and we really liked it. We ended up with Corn Pie.

So you may be thinking, but Ginny, corn has lots of carbs!  Ah, but baby corn does not.  Baby corn has less carbs than many low carb veggies actually.  In fact this baby corn as 2g carbs and 1g fiber per serving, and only 10 calories.  In this recipe I drained a can of baby corn nuggets and placed them in a food processor and processed until it was ground.  Then added it to the recipe.  It reminded me of a corn casserole I have made before on holidays.  It's good hot or cold.  I think you'll find it a great side dish with any meal. 


Corn Pie

Recipe By     :Ginny Larsen
Serving Size  : 8     

2  large  eggs
1/4  cup  sour cream
2  tablespoons  soft butter
4  ounces  diced green chiles -- canned (drained)
1  cup  almond flour - Honeyville
2  tablespoons  Pyure sweetener -- (equal to 1/4 cup sugar)
3/4 teaspoon  baking powder
1/2 teaspoon  salt
1/2 teaspoon  xanthan gum
15 ounces  baby corn nuggets, polar -- (1 can) drained
1/2 cup  finely shredded sharp cheddar cheese, happy farms 

1. Preheat oven to 350F.  Generously grease a 9-inch cake pan. I also sprinkled a little corn starch on the bottom.

2. In mixing bowl, add eggs, sour cream, butter. amd greem chiles.  Mix together with electric mixer.

3. Add flour, sweetener, baking powder, salt and xanthan gum.  Mix together well.  

4. In food processor, add baby corn nuggets.  Process until ground up. 

5. Add this to batter and mix together. 

6. Pour into cake pan and bake 30 minutes.  

Sprinkle with 1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese and bake 5 minutes more.

                                    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

Per Serving: 174 Calories; 14g Fat (69.3% calories from fat); 7g Protein; 6g Carbohydrate; 2g Dietary Fiber

4g net carbs per serving

NOTES : *can bake this in a cast iron skillet instead of a cake pan as well. 

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