
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Results Of The Fermented Fries Experiment

I said I would report back when I ate the next batch of my fermented fries and checked my blood sugar after.
In a word I'M SO DISAPPOINTED!  My blood sugar before eating them was 100.  1 hour after eating 1 cup of the fermented fries along with about 4 oz. of roast beef, my blood sugar was 173.  This was not what I hoped for!  And I am really embarrassed and owe you all an apology for getting people excited about possibly having real french fries.

Well, it was an experiment.  One I was sure would work.  It didn't.  I still don't know why it works for some foods but not others to ferment them and reduce the sugar content.  It worked for the apples, but it didn't work for the potatoes.  Ok, so life goes on.  I've lived for 7 years without potatoes.  I can live without them.  No big deal. It's not something I crave, but nevertheless, I was hoping it would be a help for some who do have a hard time letting go of potatoes.  There may be a way, I don't know, but I guess I have accepted potatoes don't need to be a part of my life.  Ha!  And you know what?  I don't care.  I really don't.  To tell you the truth, I prefer green bean fries to potato fries.

Ok, well, so this was one of my failures.  On to some successes! I'm sorry if I got anyone's hopes up.


  1. Oh well, Ginny - we win some, we lose some. It's the name of the game as they say. I'd love to read about your green bean fries.

    1. Thanks Jennifer,
      A while back I took some green beans, tossed in olive oil and seasonings and roasted them in the oven, like you would oven fries. They came out so good!! Try it sometime and see how you like it! :)

  2. Hi Ginny, you have no need to be emberrassed the recipes you give to the D folk are wonderful, I for one eat a lot better than I would if you didn't have your wonderful blog. I really miss potatoes but not as fries but as mash but I can live with it, besides how many of us D's can say we have had our recipes published in a book all over the world, you be proud girl I would if I was you. Chin up.

    1. Aw, thanks Rona. You're so sweet! :)

    2. Thanks for being our guinea pig so we don't have to figure it all out ourselves.

    3. Ha ha, yes, I definitely am my own guinea pig. I tend to do that a lot. Sometimes it's great, sometimes not so great. ;)

  3. Nah, you have so many winners - everybody gets a bomb on occasion! Potatoes just aren't a "thing" for me, so I was watching, but not involved, so to speak :-)

    Don't quit trying new stuff! We have learned a lot!

    1. I guess that's how we learn, haha, thanks!

  4. Ginny is their a way to type in Desserts in your site and they will all come up and i can look at them. Im seriously challenged on blog sites. lol

    thanks for all your work you do here

  5. Top left corner of the blog there is a search engine. I typed in desserts and got this:
    I don't think it brought them all up. I think you'll get better results if you type in specifics like "cake", "cookies", "pie", etc. If I were more tech savvy I'd figure out a way to have links for specific categories. Maybe will have to work on that. The archives are rather tedious to go through to find things. But you can see what you find in the search engine. :) Hope that helps. Thanks for your interest!

    1. Since I wrote this, I have made pages with categories of my recipes. You can just go to my page for sweets and find all my dessert recipes.

  6. Ginny, not a failure! You just made a significant n=1 experiment and saved any from. Needing to repeat it! Thanks for testing the theory!!

    I call them Ugly Green Beans! They make up part of my beloved "brown" food group! As long as I get to eat them,I can step away from the ledge and the fries!!

  7. Have you tried red potatoes? We found that if you boil them then put them in the fridge for 24 hours, you can have potato salad.

    1. No I haven't, but so far no matter how I try to ferment them, they are too much for my blood sugar. So I'm just going to have to accept that I cannot do this! My last experiment was to boil them a little first, then try to culture them for 3 days. Thought to get rid of more of the starch that way. But alas... still raised my blood sugar too much. Maybe if I cultured them longer... say a week? But I don't know. I think I'm going to give it up! Red potatoes have even more sugar so I don't think I'll give it a try.
