
Sunday, February 5, 2012

Mini Flourless Chocolate Cake

This was a spur of the moment result of a chocolate craving.  I think I've had too many good low carb sweets lately with all my experimenting and creating and probably need to lay off the desserts!  But this was my last indulgence before I got back to some strict carb counting ok?  It is flourless... that is no nut flours, coconut flours, or any flours.  The only "flour" is the cocoa.  It's soft and very cake-like.  It's very chocolate.  I don't think I had enough sweetener in it though, so I think next time I make it I'll add a couple more packets of Truvia or some erythritol. In the recipe I have the amount I used, so you may want to taste the batter and sweeten to your taste.  It was more semi-sweet.  

In the middle I have Walden Farms caramel syrup.  I liked it, but next time I think I might try it with a peanut butter filling.  I actually made it in my microwaveable egg muffin container.  It worked perfectly.  Just the right size and shape.  You can get them at Walmart.  

Well, I've learned that when I have any cravings, it's usually because I've been eating too many carbs and too many sweets, even though they are sugar-free sweets.  So I know craving sweets is something I'm going to have to withdraw myself from for a time.  When I'm staying in my carb count, I do not get hungry, I do not crave anything, and I don't gain weight.  I've been over-doing the low carb foods and desserts lately and not counting actually how many carbs I'm eating at each meal, not to mention desserts and snacks! Every since Christmas I guess.  I need to back off for a time!  But Valentine's day is coming!  I have a fudge video to make!  Oh me oh my!  Ok, after my fudge video I'm done. 


1/4  cup  cocoa powder
1/4  teaspoon  baking powder
1/8  teaspoon  salt
6  packets  Truvia (or 1/4 cup equivilant)
1  large  egg
1  tablespoon  vanilla flavored sugar free syrup -- (Torani or DaVinci)
1  tablespoon  coconut oil -- melted
2  tablespoons  heavy cream
2  packets  Truvia
2  squares  Lindt 85% Cocoa bar -- chopped, *see Note
1  tablespoon  Walden Farms caramel sauce

In a small bowl, such as a cereal bowl, mix together cocoa powder, baking powder, salt, and Truvia.  Make a well in the middle and add egg, vanilla syrup, and melted coconut oil. Stir together.

Place in microwave on high for approximately 1 minute and 40 seconds, time will vary according to your microwave.  Make sure it is cooked in the middle on the bottom to be done.  

Glaze:  Place heavy cream and Truvia in a small microwave container and microwave for 20 seconds or until it starts to boil.  Place chopped chocolate in cream and stir continuously until melted and thickens.  It will not get real thick. It will be like a hot fudge icecream topping.  

When cake is cooled, with a sharp sarated knife slice in half to make two layers.  On the bottom layer spread 1 to 2 tbsp of caramel sauce.  Place top layer on top and pour the chocolate glaze over all spreading around the sides.  Yeah, it's sloppy but oh so good!  I had some of the glaze left over.  I didn't need it all.  

                                    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

2 Servings/Per Serving: 229 Calories; 21g Fat (73.2% calories from fat); 7g Protein; 10g Carbohydrate; 5g Dietary Fiber  (5 g. net carbs)

*NOTE : Lindt 85% cocoa bar does not contain any gluten products but Lindt states that though they use the most stringent cleaning methods their products are made on the same product line as those containing malt barley.  Because of this they cannot guarantee their chocolate is gluten free.  


  1. Yes I made this tonight. YUM indeed.

    1. I'm glad you liked it! Thanks for sharing back! :)

  2. Just had to say a massive thanks for this recipe! I've had this most evenings the past week! The first time I made it with the glaze which was particularly indulgent, since then I've been making it without and swapping the vanilla syrup for other flavours, such as Hazelnut or caramel. A little cream on top and the whole portion worked out at 280 cals and 3g net carbs. No need to share with your otger half :) The whole portion is on the large side but is exactly as needed to hit the chocolate spot, feel like I've had a real sugary treat but without the inevitable blood sugar spikes. Many thanks again! This recipe will be memorised before long!

  3. Thank you Laura! I'm so happy that it hit the chocolate spot for you!

  4. Great recipe! I took your suggestion and spread a thin layer of peanut butter instead of caramel.

  5. May I assume after the egg, etc. is placed in the "well", you mix it in?

  6. I have not been able to find sugarfree maple syrup, caramel, chocolate or cranberries in new zealand.
    Cheers Deb
