
Sunday, October 23, 2011

Cool Looks and My 36th Anniversary

Ok, this has been functional for a time now, but I just finally figured out how to get it.  If you want to use the Cool Looks on my blog, you need to use this URL:
click on it and see what you get!  It's pretty cool.  You get a whole different view of everything on my blog.

You can choose from several different views by clicking one of them on the upper left side: Classic, Flipcard, Magazine, Mosaic, Sidebar, Snapshot, and Timeslide.  Check them out!  I love it!  I was messing around with it on Jennifer's blog and found that I could use it on my own as well.  Thanks Jen for explaining it! I'm a bit late in announcing it, but better late than never, huh?

I just had a wonderful week celebrating our 36th wedding anniversary with my best friend, lover, and soul mate.  I think in these days that is something to celebrate! This man is God's gift to me and evidence of His love and grace in my life.  We had a great week together, without spending a lot of money (we're cheap--or frugal we like to say), and enjoyed that our anniversary this year coincided with a week off from work.  I work for the public school and it was MEA week here.  The rest of the district gets 2 days, but in ECFE (Early Childhood Family Education), we get the whole week.  What a beautiful time of year to do it and to have an anniversary, even though the colors this year are a bit pathetic in our area.  The wind has blown most of them away.  Nevertheless, it was a great week.  I'll be back to cooking once again, after a week of trying to stay low carb and gluten free in restaurants.  I managed pretty well I'd say.  I also brought my own food along to help. So here are a few pics of our week. These are all at Frontinac State Park, Lake Pepin.  Click on the picture for a larger view.


  1. Happy 36th!!

    Yesterday was our 34th, so I know what you mean about being married to your best friend. :-)

    I was dinking around with your Cool Looks, and stumbled upon your meatball recipe. I actually had all the ingredients, so made it for dinner tonite. Yummy!

    We weren't in the mood for a red sauce, so heated up some dill and herb flavored sour cream based dip, and spooned that over towards the end of baking. They were heavenly! Thanks for a winner of a recipe. My husband has already said he wants it again. :-D

  2. Congratulations to you too then! :) I'm glad you enjoyed the recipe also. Sounds like a yummy dip! What a great idea!
