
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Chocolate Cookie Crumbs-or-Don't Throw Out Your Flops

NEVER throw away your flops.  They're too expensive when you're low carbing and gluten free!  I hate to experiment sometimes because every ingredient I use, from the flours to the sweeteners are so expensive!  I pay for my treats.  So I don't get them all that often, and have to be careful with how much ingredients I use.

I tried making some chocolate microwave brownies yesterday.  It was hot and muggy yesterday for the first time this year and I wanted something chocolate but didn't want to use my oven to heat the house.  My mistake was thinking I could multi-task while they were in the microwave rather than watch.  I know microwaves do not have the same power so times vary and you have to watch and start out low.  I just put them in for 5 minutes and let them go while I set about making the peanut butter frosting I was going to frost them with.

I took the brownies out and plopped them out of the dish, and they hit the counter with a *THUD*, sort of like what it would sound like if a piece of wood fell on your counter.  My husband felt sorry for me and decided to taste one.... which he said was good (what love will make you do).  I thought, maybe I could make them into biscotti and dunk in coffee.  They were pretty hard to swallow.  I was in no way going to throw them out.  So I decided to put them in my food processor today and make crumbs.  Turns out they made perfect chocolate "cookie" crumbs for a pie crust or whatever you want to use cookie crumbs for.  Perfect!  In fact, now I'm going to have to make this flop again so that I can make cookie crumbs again.

So I made myself a dessert today with the crumbs and the peanut butter frosting I prepared.  It was delightful.  I didn't measure, but just glopped it together so here's the way I glopped it...

I added the crumbs to my little custard cup, and moistened with a little water, and pressed them into the bottom.

I topped that with some cream cheese spread that I had on hand which was whipped with some DaVinci SF syrup.

I topped that with the peanut butter frosting I had made, which was just about 1/2 cup unsweetened peanut butter, 2 TBS. of butter, and 1/4 cup Splenda, beat together well until light and fluffy.

Topped it with whipped cream and let it tickle my taste buds.

I think I'm going to keep a bag of Chocolate Cookie Crumbs on hand from now on.  Thank God for flops.  They can sometimes turn into something really good.  The recipe for the microwave brownies were posted on  Low Carb Friends Forum, and was a great idea by Jennifer Eloff, who has a lot of fantastic recipes.  I will try it again with the suggestions further down in the thread and less cooking time watching it next time. My microwave always tends to cook in less time than most recipes call for.  I think my coconut flour that I used also was different and really soaked up the liquid so made them drier.  But I got perfect cookie crumbs!!!  


  1. Oh no, Ginny! My recipe turned into the equivalent of a heavy piece of wood? LOL Not so funny! My microwave brownies are just okay. I was not wild about them. So now you are going to use the botched recipe for cookie crumbs. What a funny story!

  2. Ha ha, it was my botch job of your recipe! LOL! Actually I do want to try the brownies again without the coconut flour and less time in the microwave. They do look good! And I like the idea of microwave brownies on hot days when I don't want to use the oven. But hey... cookie crumbs are great too! ;) I intend to use them for a nice pie crust.
